Swimmers are encouraged to attend as many practices a week as they can, and most swimmers practice 4 or 5 days a week. Our newest swimmers, the Guppies, have a shorter season than the older swimmers. Guppies swim from September through the last week of November and again from April through the end of July. The Minnows and Sharks swim from September through the last week of November and January through the end of July.
Our "home pool" is at Robert's Regional Park, however, it is under construction until Spring 2023. Typically, Fall and Spring practice is held at Robert's, and Summer practice is at Campolino High School in Moraga. Fall 2022 practice will be held at Campolindo High School, Moraga Ranch Pool and San Leandro High School. Winter 2023 practice will be held at San Leadro High School.
Families often coordinate carpools with fellow swimmers to make it easier (and more fun!) to get to practice.
For practice, swimmers need goggles (mirrored goggles are great for sunny days) a swimsuit, a towel and, ideally, a swim cap. They will receive their first Montclair swim cap before their first meet.
Meets are typically 1-2 times a month and are usually are within an hour of Oakland. Coach Bill will make recommendations on what events the swimmers should sign up for, and it is the parents' responsibility to sign their swimmers up. An email of instructions will be sent before each meet opens for entry. We will hold an orientation for new families before the first meet each season to go over meet logistics, what to bring and how to help your swimmer be prepared.
Meets are a great way for the swimmers to put into action the skills that they have learned at practice. It is also another chance to build comraderie among the the team and to cheer on their fellow swimmers.
Parent volunteering is critical to make our swim team work! You should expect to volunteer at every meet your swimmer attends. The most common volunteer opportunity at meets is being a timer. No experience is necessary, they provide training at each meet. Shifts are typically 1.5-2 hours and time passes quickly. Other important ways that parents help out include:
- Taking canopies to and from meets
- Getting trained to be a USA Swimming Official
- Organizing annual events (awards banquet, ice cream social, swimathon)
- Volunteering at our hosted meet, the Montclair Pentathlon (all parents are expected to volunteer)
- Board member